The Danish Way - International Forum 2020

On the occasion of International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2-6 November 2020 the Danish Society for Patient Safety would like to share some of the results from our work in various aspects of promoting patient safety for patients and communities.

List of Danish participation in sessions

Improving Diagnosis in Danish Healthcare

Internationally, there is a growing awareness on diagnostic errors as a major – and so far, overlooked patient safety problem. The Danish Society for Patient Safety and Danish Patient Compensation Association have analyzed the area more closely in Danish context.

Safe Senior Life - The Neighborly Way to Co-Create Better Mental Health for Seniors

The aim of Safe Senior Life has been to improve elderly people’s mental health and quality of life by finding new ways to detect and prevent depression in old age. This has been carried out in a collaboration between public employees and volunteers from the local community.

How does telemedicine affect patient safety? International and Danish experiences

In the Danish Society for Patient Safety, we have over the past two years had a strategic focus on investigating and supporting patient safety when using digital solutions, and it is a significant step that we can now present this report on patient safety and telemedicine, which is the first of its kind.

Ready to Talk: Conclusions from the project

It is possible and important to have meaningful conversations concerning end-of-life and death with the eldest and the sickest patients. We have synthesized 6 general and 13 practical recommendations on how to be ‘Ready to Talk’.

Mental wellbeing of healthcare professionals

The aim of the project is to improve the patient safety culture and the psychosocial work environment in the Anaesthetic, surgery and intensive care department of an hopsital in the capital region of Denmark.

Great impact of The Pressure Ulcer Bundle in Danish Healthcare

Pressure ulcers are very painful to patients and expensive for health care. In Denmark, nursing homes for the most fragile elderly have effectively eliminated pressure ulcers, some care homes have not had a patient with a pressure ulcer for over two years!

In Safe Hands – Patient safety and improvement work at the municipalities

The programme In Safe Hands is a collaboration between the Danish Ministry of Health, the National Association of Local Authorities, and the Danish Society for Patient Safety. 18 municipalities have already achieved great results during the programme. In Safe Hands 3 with 15 municipalities was begun in September 2020.

The Nutrition Initiative in the context of In Safe Hands

A project on nutrition from 2019-2020 has aimed to limit unplanned weight loss and malnutrition in elderly citizens in municipal home care and at municipal healthcare facilities.

Psychological Safety in (Virtual) Group Work

A workbook and video have been developed to help people participating in online group work understand what Psychological Safety is, why it is important in group work, and how to build psychological safety in your groups to help make the online experience more productive and more enjoyable.

#QiComms - the importance of communications in quality improvement

The Danish Society for Patient Safety has more than ten years of experience with improvement programs and campaigns in the Danish healthcare sector. Communications has been build in as an important part of these programs to ensure awareness, spread ideas and motivate participants.

Danish Society for Patient Safety

Danish Society for Patient Safety (PS!) is an independent organization working to improve patient safety across Danish healthcare.

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