Follow these tweeters for news from PS!
- @patientsikker – Danish Society for Patient Safety (PS!)
- @kristensenps – Chief executive PS!
- @VibekeRischel – Head of Healthcare Improvement PS!
A new survey shows a doubling of the average number of visiting hours at Danish hospitals, going from 12 hours in 2013 to 23 hours in the present surv...
Developing and Evaluating a Classroom-based Intervention to Improve Hospital Team Communication
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Ph.D. thesis, Louise Isager Rabøl, 2011. Three cycles of systematic curriculum pl...
Learning from the Danish Safer Hospital Programme
Publikation, DSPS, 2015. Since 2007, the Danish Society for Patient Safety have worked on a number of major improvement programmes in Danish healthca...
Optimisation of the Danish incident reporting system
Recommendations by a working group appointed by the Board of the Danish Society for Patient Safety Open the original document in Danish
Video as patient decision support
Gentofte Hospital, Trygfonden, Danish Regions and PS, 2014.
The British East London NHS Foundation Trust had through several years worked with Person-Centred Care, Simon Tulloch, who worked for a number years i...
Publikation. Juli 2017. 90-dages innovationsmetoden er en struktureret metode til research og udvikling af nye projekter eller produkter. Dansk Selska...
Behind every dot there is a patient
Timely and Efficient Diagnosis and Treatment of Co-morbid Physical Disease among mental health patients in the Faroe Islands. Poster, Safe Psychiat...
Building a platform for the improvement work, scaling up from 5 to 19 municipalities
Poster, In Safe Hands PS, 2017
Improving the communication, teamwork and work processes during delivery
Poster. PS and Hvidovre Hospital, 2014.
Patient participation. When the patient is involved the safety of the patient is improved. Poster, Region Zealand, 2017.
Poster, Sønderborg Municipality and In Safe Hands, 2016.
Reproductive health – In an advanced welfare state
Poster, PS and Hvidovre Hospital, 2015.
Safe Psychiatry – Faroe Islands
Prevention of medication errors and inappropriate medicine among mental health patients. Poster, Safe Psychiatry and Landssjukrahusid, 2017.
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