Communication tools are effective as drivers for improvement

1. oktober 2017

A survey among participants in a large improvement programme in the Danish municipalities. Celebration of success and positive media mentions act as drivers for improvement in the primary care sector. This is the conclusion after a survey among participants in the programme “In Safe Hands”. The programme started in five Danish municipalities in 2013, and […]

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Reward for improvement idea of the month

13. februar 2017

Every month the best improvement idea or improvement story is celebrated in Sønderborg Municipality as a part of the program I Sikre Hænder/In Safe Hands. Protection for  elderly people in wheelchairs to avoid pressure ulcers on their feet – this is just one of the ideas that has been awarded “best improvement idea of the […]

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Patient safety becomes visible

1. juli 2015

The Danish Safer Hospital Programme has had very positive experiences with creating transparency around quality and patient safety. Almost all departments in the pro- gramme visibly present data from their improvement work to staff, and some also to patients and their families, typically on a corridor whiteboard. The department makes ongoing updates of the latest […]

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Media coverage enhances professional pride

1. juli 2015

Positive media coverage is a direct driver for improvement of patient safety. This is clear from a survey among healthcare professionals, quality staff, and hospital managements of the Danish Safer Hospital Programme. 83% of the respondents have experienced some form of positive media coverage of their efforts in the Danish Safer Hospital Programme, including in […]

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