Danske oplæg og experience days

Programmet for International Forum er nu offentliggjort. Her følger en oversigt over experience days og danske oplæg på International Forum on Quality and Safety d. 28. -30. april.

Hele programmet er ikke offentliggjort endnu, så der kommer løbende nye præsentationer og experiences days til. Programmet kan også findes på International Forums hjemmeside.

Tirsdag d. 28. april:

Experiences days (9-17)

  • Experience Day 1 (EX1): Systematic approach to patient safety during the last 10 years (Nordsjællands Hospital) – Se programmet for EX1
  • Experience Day 2 (EX2): Health Care on the Brink of a 4th Industrial Revolution? (Medicon Valley – the Hub for Life Science) – Se programmet for EX2
  • Experience Day 3 (EX3): How do volunteers play a role in the health services? (Sjællands Universitetshospital og Roskilde Festival) – Se programmet for EX3
  • Experience Day 4 (EX4): Safe perinatal care and health in the Early Years across the healthcare continuum – (Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre Hospital og Hvidovre Kommune) – Se programmet for EX4
  • Experience Day 5 (EX5): The Danish journey in acute care – from helicopters to home (Copenhagen Emergency Medical Services (CAMES) og Herlev Hospital) – Se programmet for EX5
  • Experience Day 6 (EX6): Healing architecture and mental health (Slagelse psykiatriske hospital) – Se programmet for EX6
  • Experience Day 7 (EX7): Using a new quality concept and QI to improve community services (Greve municipality)  Se programmet for EX7

Danske præsentationer (09-12:30)

  • M4: Co-producing improvements in experience and quality: the WHY and the HOW, Vibeke Rischel, vicedirektør, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed

Danske præsentationer (13.30-17.00)

  • M8: Striving for seamless patient pathways across sector boundaries in the Central Jutland Health Cluster (CJHC). Experience a collaborative health service system that has gone far! Midtklyngen; repræsentanter fra Skive Kommune, Silkeborg Kommune, Viborg Kommune og Hospitalsenhed Midt, Region Midtjylland.

Onsdag d. 29. april

Danske præsentationer (08:00-08:45)

  • EN1: Reducing overcrowding and improving flow, Stine Rasmussen, specialkonsulent, Regionshospitalet Randers

Danske præsentationer (11:00-12:15)

  • A3: Population health improvement: the Health Improvement Alliance Europe journey, Kristine Binzer, lægefaglig konsulent, Broen til bedre sundhed, Region Sjælland

Danske præsentationer (11:00-12:30)

  • A8: The Danish Way:
    • Improving diagnostic safety in Danish healthcare: Learning from compensable patient injuries, Charlotte Frendved, kommunikationskonsulent, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
    • Teaching doctors to listen. Live patient storytelling in communication skills courses, Katrine Kirk, patientambassadør
    • Co-creating patient safety with patients and families – possibilities and pitfalls, Ivar G. Petersen, patientambassadør og Perle Darsø, overlæge, Region Hovedstaden
    • Improving quality in cancer patient pathways using evidence and data, Erik Jakobsen, overlæge, RKKP 
  • A9: Co-production and beyond: patients leading the way:
    • Promising take off and high-flying with ambitions – towards an actively user involving organization, Lone Holm, programleder, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Tina Blichfeldt,  brugerrepræsentant, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen; Denmark

Danske præsentationer (13:30-14:30)

  • B8: Trust and quality measurement – the Nordic way!,
    Jens Winther Jensen, Direktør, RKKP 

Danske præsentationer (15:00-16:00)

  • C3: Putting it into practice: applying the model for safe and reliable care
    • Part A: Does it fit? Adapting IHI framework for safe, reliable and effective care, Inge Ulriksen, chefkonsulent, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
    • Part B: An organisation’s journey to deliver whole system safety and high reliability, Vibeke Rischel,  vicedirektør, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed

Torsdag d. 30. april

Danske præsentationer (11:00-12:15):

  • D2: Transforming flow using Real Time Demand and Capacity Management
    • Part B: Safe Patient Flow– implementation of Real Time Demand and Capacity Management at Aarhus University Hospital, Christina Egelund Antonsen,  sundhedsfaglig kvalitetskonsulent, Aarhus Universitetshospital 
  • D3: Improving quality in care homes: examples from Denmark
    • Part A: The Copenhagen way of implementing the Model for Improvement in care homes, Simon Heering, specialkonsulent, Københavns Kommune,

Danske præsentationer (11:00-12:30):

  • D9: What your patient is thinking – 4 models for listening to patient feedback
    • Part A: How do we listen to patients, Mette Storm Elner, formand for patientforum på Sjællands Universitetshospital  

Danske præsentationer (13:15-14:30):

  • E4: Shared decision making
    • Part A: No decision about me without me – Shared Decision Making in a Danish context, Karina Dahl Steffensen, Center for Shared Decision Making,  Sygehus Lillebælt, Karina Olling, Center for Shared Decision Making, Sygehus Lillebælt, Mona Muusmann Petersen, Vejle Hospital;
    • Part B: Sustainable implementation of Patient involvement – complex interventions for professionals to overcome, Lisbeth Kallestrup, Læge og programchef for patientinvolvering, Aarhus Universitetshospital
  • E6: Technology innovation lab
    • Part A: DiabetesFlex: A fresh idea to improve patient involvement and quality of care by use of a PRO-based telehealth system, Annesofie Lunde Jensen, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Steno Diabetes Centre Aarhus,Flemming Jensen, Patientrepræsentant
  • E7: Social prescribing for mental health: co-creating care with the third sector
    • Bodil Elgaard Andersen, chefkonsulent, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed og Annelene Højvang Larsen, kommunikationskonsulent, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed 

2. december 2019
