Af Simon Tulloch, psykolog, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
Resilience in healthcare (RiH) can be conceptualised as the adaptive capacities of a healthcare system that allow it to maintain delivery of high-quality care during and after events that challenge, change or disrupt its activities, ranging from high-impact situations such as a pandemic, through to everyday challenges such as lack of resources.
Given what we have just lived through, this is a hot topic right now – see for example a recent article in Nature (1) and the recent white paper from IHI (2).
However, in a paper published in July’s BMJ (3) Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland and colleagues set out a study protocol to develop a different way of understanding and conceptualising RiH – a collaborative learning framework. They state this is necessary because in the literature, resilience and adaptations are typically linked to learning theories, and do not systematically address the collaborative element of learning processes where healthcare workers, patients and carers adapt and learn together. For those with an interest in the human side of healthcare system resilience, this could be an interesting paper (and study).
Ny bog – hvad har det danske sundhedsvæsen lært af COVID?
(1) Haldane, V., De Foo, C., Abdalla, S.M. et al. Health systems resilience in managing the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from 28 countries. Nat Med 27, 964–980 (2021).
(2) Sampath B, Rakover J, Baldoza K, Mate K, Lenoci-Edwards J, Barker P. Whole System Quality: A Unified Approach to Building Responsive, Resilient Health Care Systems. IHI White Paper. Boston: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2021. (Available at
(3) , et al Developing a collaborative learning framework for resilience in healthcare: a study protocol
Fagligt Nyt om patientsikkerhed er et nyhedsbrev, der udgives af Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed, PS!, og udkommer ca. 6 gange årligt. Det formidler nyt om de seneste nationale og internationale forskningsresultater, begivenheder, trends og meninger inden for patientsikkerhed. Mere Fagligt Nyt